monalita smiley's Fundraiser

For Young Gems, a team supporting:

The Learning Web’s Bowl-a-thon!











days left

monalita smiley

As a passionate supporter of The Learning Web’s work, I am participating in The Learning Web’s Bowling Fundraiser. I am a true believer in the Web thus supporting Tompkins County youth as they explore and achieve their personal challenges, dreams, goals, and passions.

About this Event

monalita smiley

Keep the Ball Rolling--Youth becoming Adults!

Saturday, November 04, 2017 through Saturday, November 04, 2017

Ithaca Bowl-O-Drome, 401 3rd Street

The Learning Web recipe: 

Begin with the knowledge that young people:

  1. want to belong,
  2. want to contribute, and
  3. want to feel valued. 

Mix those wishes with generous portions of

  1. opportunities, and
  2. support from caring adults—Learning Web staff and adult mentors at workplaces in our community

and then . . .

applaud transformations like those described by recent Learning Web participants: 

“I feel more grown up, more mature, and more independent.”    

--Sasha age 14

“I was doing something meaningful.  They weren’t just doing me a favor and letting me watch.  They gave me a lot of responsibility.  I felt like I was really a part of something” 

--Brad, age 16

“I discovered that I like helping people.  I used to say that I hate people.  It turns out I don’t.”  

--Tanya, age 15

“I passed, I passed, now I feel like a real man!!” 

--Cal, age 18

Whether working with youth like Sasha, Brad, and Tanya who are attending school and living at home, or homeless youth like Cal who have no adult support, The Learning Web offers opportunities tailored to  every youth’s interests and needs. Our Youth Exploration and Youth Outreach Programs provide activities and supports that enable youth to develop a sense of connection, take pride in making a contribution, and build the competencies necessary for successfully negotiating the transition to adulthood.   

Keep the ball rolling: join with The Learning Web to help Youth Becoming Adults

Applauding the achievements of Sasha, Cal and the many other Learning Web youth participants is just one piece of the support that helps assure these transformations.  Another is funding.  And you can help us secure funds in a way that generates FUN!!!

Support the Learning Web Bowl-a-thon!  You can:

1)      Recruit a team that bowls for dollars, or

2)     Pledge financial support for a team organized by your family, friends or neighbors.


Campaign Bowlers are raising money that will allow us to serve 500 youth in our community: 

250 school age young people will benefit from:

  • Apprenticeships tailored to each individual’s interests and passions (80 youth)
  • Career exploration visits—touring community workplaces to get a ‘real-time’ picture that can complete, correct or totally redefine participants’ thinking about career options  (120 youth)
  • Community service projects that provide participants with a greater sense of belonging and pride as they make real contributions in their communities (50 youth) 

250 homeless youth will benefit from: 

  • Emergency food, basic needs, and connections to needed services (250 youth)
  • Housing support to find stable, safe housing (90 youth)
  • Supported housing in Learning Web sponsored apartments (25 youth)
  • Assistance in finishing their education, building employment skills (75 youth)
  • Training in all aspects of independent living (90 youth)

Join with us!

Your support of the Learning Web Bowl-a-thon is critical to keep the ball rolling,

helping The Learning Web youth programs help Youth Becoming Adults!

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