Cruz Altamirano's Fundraiser

For John Paul II Center, a team supporting:












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Cruz Altamirano

My name is Cruz and I am a student in the Secondary Class at John Paul II Center for Special Learning. At JPII, we are always focusing on our ability, rather than our disability. It is all about what we CAN Do, rather than what we can't. We also are taught to help others each and every day in any way that we can. For these reasons, I am going to go Over the Edge for Bethany Children's Home. Please support me in helping the kids at Bethany.

About this Event

Cruz Altamirano

Go Over the Edge with Bethany for Local Youth!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Could You Imagine Going Through Life Surviving Rather than Living?

When you Go Over the Edge with Bethany, you support local youth who are reclaiming their lives and building brighter futures. For years, our youth have been living to survive in their environments in order to seek food, shelter, and someone to love them. They experience trauma on a daily basis creating a “normalcy” that is not normal. When these youth come to Bethany they are scared, angry, and hopeless. Most will come with the clothes on their back and if they are lucky they may have a small bag of personal belongings.

When a youth enters care at Bethany they are not only provided their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing but also a supportive environment to help them work through the trauma they have faced; build new life skills to overcome survival skills; and regain control of their future. 

This year, Bethany is asking our community to go Over the Edge to provide our local youth the hope, courage and opportunity for a brighter, stronger future.

$25 $50

Provides a Back Pack and School Supplies

Provides a New Pair of Sneakers

$75 $100

Provides a Winter Coat

2 Youth can have Birthday Parties including gift, cake, ice cream

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