Second Saturdays Fund's Fundraiser

Give2WV: Hinton Area Foundation











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Second Saturdays Fund

This fund has been established to help fund monthly music events on the 2nd Saturday of each month May through October. The goal of 2nd Saturdays is to generate more activity and entertainment in downtown Hinton and gain valuable earned media by capturing local media coverage of each event.

About this Campaign

Second Saturdays Fund

Give Today to Grow Tomorrow: 24 Hour Giving Campaign for Hinton Area & Summers County's future

Advancing the communities of Summers County, WV is a critical focus of the Give2WV: Hinton Area Foundation Day on May 2, 2017.  The Hinton Area Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life in Summers County by connecting people who care with causes that matter to them most. The Hinton Area Foundation provides people from all walks of life with the opportunity to create a permanent way to support those organizations, causes, or the general good of the community and county.  Give2WV: Hinton Area Foundation provides people in the county and across the country and world who love Summers County a 24 hour period to give to a fund or general causes to advance the community foundation's impact with a gift of any size.  Let's show the world how much we LOVE the Hinton Area and Summers County and want to ensure a positive future for its citizens.  Your gift on Give2WV: Hinton Area Foundation Day on May 2nd can go to one of four permanent funds having an impact on a variety community needs.

MAKE your gift directly to your fund of choice by clicking on the respective FUND TITLE below. The participating funds include:

Learning Innovations Fund

This fund’s focus is to improve student academic achievement by providing teachers with mini-grants for materials and programs that will supplement their standard class routine.


Classes of Hinton High School - Making A Difference!

With a goal of bettering this special place they call “home”, now and in the future, a core group of dedicated individuals seek to identify important issues and areas of concern within the community.  The funds are used to facilitate improvement in the Hinton area thus securing a stronger, more vibrant community in which to live and to visit. 


Hometown Doctor Fund

The Hometown Doctor Fund is privileged to participate in the 2017 Give2WV event. This fund provides financial assistance to any deserving local student who would like to practice medicine in the Summers County area and has qualified for admission to the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, located in Lewisburg, West Virginia. The purpose of the fund is three-fold: to provide financial assistance to help defray the high cost of tuition for a degree in medicine, to ensure the continuity of medical care in our area, and to empower our community to provide for its own medical care with those who have grown up in our area and intend to practice medicine here.


Second Saturdays Fund

This fund has been established to help fund monthly music events on the 2nd Saturday of each month May through October. The goal of 2nd Saturdays is to generate more activity and entertainment in downtown Hinton and gain valuable earned media by capturing local media coverage of each event. 

You can follow the work of the Hinton Area Foundation on their FACEBOOK PAGE by CLICKING HERE!

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