Stephanie Clarke
Hi everyone! I'm running my first half marathon this June on Team David's House, and I'm running for so many reasons. I'm running to celebrate my sixth wedding anniversary to my favorite person in the world, to celebrate the lives of my grandparents who taught me about how to live a good life, and for my parents, in-laws and aunt who have always supported me, no matter what. I'm also running for me, because from 2013-2016 I struggled through Lyme disease. It was the toughest battle I've ever fought and this half-marathon is my proof to myself that I am stronger than I think.
Most importantly, I'm running this half-marathon to support the critical mission of David's House, which is a non-profit organization providing a "home away from home" to families whose children are receiving care at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Lyme, while difficult, was easy compared to what a lot of these families deal with. David's House provides housing, meals, laundry, and other support services free of charge for however long the family needs them because when your child is sick you should be thinking about that and not the cost of your hotel bills.
Meeting my fundraising goal of $500 provides a family with six overnight stays at David's House, and six nights of peace of mind for a family already thinking of too many other things. Your donation may be tax deductible and will allow them to continue their mission to support families in need (including families from 28 countries to date!). Check out their website at to see what your donation will do for these families and their children.
Thank you so very much for your support not only of me, but of this outstanding organization and vital resource in our community.
About this Event
Stephanie Clarke
The best 13.1 miles in New England!
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Covered Bridges Half Marathon is a community-based road race held the first Sunday in June. The best 13.1 miles in New England. Experience some of Vermont's covered bridges while supporting David's House.