Don Haas's Fundraiser

Teach Climate Science!











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Don Haas

Big news! The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) has chosen PRI as a 2019 Friend of the Planet Award winner, in large part because of our climate change education efforts! Ann Reid, NCSE's executive director, said, "... the Paleontological Research Institution — already a leader in informal evolution education — deserves special praise for The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change (2017), the single best available resource for teachers on climate change." This award is an awesome honor and is reflective of the importance of our work. Please help extend this work! I've reached my initial goal of $2000. Many thanks to the 41 contributors that made that happen! We've now shipped to every public high school in 12 states! That means there are 38 to go! And that means it's time to set a new goal for the months ahead. I'm asking you to help me raise another $2000. Our collective first target was every public high school in the Northeast. We've done almost all of that, and have the financial resources in hand to complete it. We have also completed several states outside of the Northeast - as of June 2019, we've shipped to every public high school in 14 states! Donations of any amount are welcome. A few dollars from you personally is wonderful and welcome. You might also be part of a service organization, family, or group of friends who’d like to have a bigger impact. You’ll probably be surprised to learn that the entire state of Massachusetts could be covered with a gift of less than $10,000. A state with a small population could be covered by less than half that! What’s the money actually for? In the spring of 2017, PRI published The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change edited and largely written by Ingrid Zabel, Rob Ross, Alexandra Moore, and myself. The book provides both a solid overview of the physical science, and discussions of and approaches to those special challenges of teaching this content. The book is also friendly to more than just teachers. If you'd like to learn more about climate change - and about how to talk about it more productively with others - buy the book or download the free pdf. The work was done with support from the National Science Foundation, allowing us to make the pdf of the 284-page book available free, but we know that many people prefer real print books. We launched a crowdfunding campaign to send print copies of the book to as many teachers as we can. This campaign is intended to help get meaningful, scientifically accurate materials into the hands of teachers. Please help us out. Donate if you can, and please spread the word about both the book and the crowdfunding campaign! Here's the link: Cheers, Don

About this Campaign

Don Haas

Help us send our Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change™ to every public high school science teacher.

We're helping teachers educate students about climate change. 

You can too!

Join us in sending The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change to every public high school science teacher in the US free of charge.

Welcome to Year 2 of the Teach Climate Science project! Climate change is the greatest human challenge of the 21st century.  Scientists overwhelmingly agree that atmospheric pollutants are causing Earth's climate to warm at an unprecedented rate.  The effects are already visible at both local and global scales.

In our first year we sent The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change to 50,000 high school science teachers.  This year we will expand our effort to include teachers in all the Atlantic and Gulf Coast states - AND - we are working on a Spanish language edition of The Teacher-Friendly Guide.  Please join us!


The National Center for Science Education has chosen PRI as the 2019 Friend of the Planet Award winner!

An article about our campaign appeared on Frontline

And Think Progress

Read PRI's statement on the Paris Climate Accord.

Follow us on our blog TeachClimateScience.


With the funds collected so far, The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change has been sent to science teachers in every high school in:

State Schools Teachers
Idaho 164 959
New Hampshire 84 756
Connecticut 185 2048
South Carolina 233 2841
Maine 119 756
Vermont 59 351
NYC 443 3365
Florida 745 11769
Nevada 80 1679
North Carolina 458        5792    
Iowa 334 1789
Rhode Island 50 609
New Jersey 373 5110
Massachusetts 330 3892

AND - to science teachers in 30 additional states!

NEXT UP - look for us in November in upstate New York: 458 schools, 4789 teachers.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for global climate.  The most effective way to increase understanding nationwide is to support the nation's classroom teachers with outstanding resources.  The Paleontological Research Institution (PRI), of Ithaca New York, is uniquely positioned to inform the national debate on climate change with our recently-published Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change - written by PRI staff with input from IPCC lead authors and leading climate scientists.  This book is intended to provide professional development support for high school science teachers, based on the best available climate change science.

SUPPORT a special teacher!  Do you know a high school science teacher who deserves a shout-out?  Or did you have a teacher who made am impact on your learning?  Send The Teacher-Friendly Guide to your favorite science teacher.  With a $25 donation we can send a book, in your name, directly to a teacher you designate.  For $100 you can designate an entire high school.  When you make your donation, email with the name of the teacher, the school and state, and we will let your teacher know that you appreciate their work! 

TFG TO CLIMATE CHANGE is written for teachers – and anyone – who could benefit from a “teacher-friendly” resource that includes both the basics of climate change science and perspectives on teaching a subject that has become socially and politically polarized. Climate change is a scientific issue, but it is also a historical, social, psychological, and economic issue that can only be deeply understood through mathematics, language and art.

Help us put The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change in the hands of every public high school science teacher in the US.

The Paleontological Research Institution is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 15-0554849. Your donation may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor. 

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