Kathryn Cartini
I support UVC’s mission of Building Upstate NY with Entrepreneurship. I know our help will have a greater impact on Upstate's startup community by creating more high-paying jobs and allowing our entrepreneurs to live their dreams. For those wishing to gift via check, please email marylou@uvc.org for instructions.
About this Campaign
Kathryn Cartini
Your gift will connect Upstate NY's entrepreneurs with the people and resources they need to grow.
With your support UVC will continue to:
- Connect startup founders to the mentorship and investing resources of the UNY50 Leadership Network
- Collaborate with entrepreneurial leaders to create angel funds and student entrepreneurship programs in every Upstate city
- Highlight Upstate NY startups and supporting resources on the UNY Ecosystem Map
- Celebrate successes through the UNY Pulse blog, newsletter and social media
- Enhance creative collisions between technologists, entrepreneurs and creatives via the UNY Events Calendar
- Measure the impact of the most promising UNY companies via the annual Venture CEO Survey
- And much more...
For those wishing to contribute via check, please email marylou@uvc.org for instructions.