Sam Maduegbuna's Fundraiser

2022 Gala











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Sam Maduegbuna

I support Access Justice Brooklyn because I believe everyone can help expand access to the legal system and realize a vision of justice for all. Today’s harsh legal and economic realities disproportionately affect people with low incomes, especially in marginalized communities. The effects of this injustice are felt throughout the borough. Providing civil legal services to Brooklynites in need is critical, but Access Justice Brooklyn can’t do it alone. Join with me in supporting their efforts!

About this Event

Sam Maduegbuna

Honoring Janice Mac Avoy, Partner, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP & Charles John O'Byrne, Executive Vice President for Policy, Related Companies

Thursday, December 08, 2022


The Access Justice Brooklyn Gala celebrates and honors the work of extraordinary individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving the public good and equal justice.

This year, we will have the unique and exciting opportunity to celebrate our inaugural Gala as Access Justice Brooklyn following the recent launch of our new name, new brand, and renewed commitment to our mission and the Brooklyn community.

Every day in Brooklyn, people with low incomes—especially in marginalized communities—face legal challenges alone. Barriers to representation and affordable support complicate an already unbalanced system. Access Justice Brooklyn believes the system only works fairly when all Brooklynites have the means to access and achieve justice. 

As Access Justice Brooklyn’s premier fundraising event, funds raised for the Gala strengthen our vital work and impact throughout the borough. Access Justice Brooklyn partners with compassionate pro bono attorneys to provide high-quality, civil legal services that help ensure equal access to the legal system. Our approach prioritizes the most basic, essential elements and experiences of human life, including housing, family stability, and subsistence income. Our proven pro bono model—recruit, train, supervise, and support— also provides flexibility to address new legal issues as they emerge. Everyone, whether an attorney or not, has a role to play in expanding access to justice. 


Please contact Melissa Starr, Senior Director of Development & Strategic Initiatives, or 718.473.9209 with any questions.

Access Justice Brooklyn is a not-for-profit public charity recognized by the IRS under 501(c)(3). Tax ID:11-3155182. Federal tax law specifies that the tax-deductible value of Gala sponsorships or tickets is limited to the amount of your contribution minus the fair market value of goods or services provided (such as food and beverage). Access Justice Brooklyn Gala journal ads and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

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