Judy Newhart
Join me in supporting Cancer Resource Center's mission, so they can have a greater impact on our community. The mission of the Cancer Resource Center is to create and sustain a community of support for people living with and affected by cancer. Their motto says it all – we’re here because no one should face cancer alone.
About this Event
Judy Newhart
Because no one should face cancer alone *Registration is now closed! Please register at the event on Saturday!*
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Registration for Walkathon 2016 has begun! Click below:
Thank you, everybody for an amazing event...
we made our goal!
We will be announcing the final top fundraising individuals & top fundraising teams in the December E-news.
Click for a list of the race winners & everyone's run times.
Check out photos taken by Jill Dollaway, Rocio Zepp, Roy McCarthy, Jyl Dowd, Paulette Salmon & Granger Macy.
Here are the fun photo booth pictures. The TEAM photos will be posted on our website & Facebook soon (you are encouraged to download & share).
We've posted all the photos on our Facebook page, as well. PLEASE tag your friends, share our albums and post YOUR pictures on our page (or email them to [email protected]).
Many thanks to our amazing community!!!
Prize: For INDIVIDUALS raising $500+ (not TEAMS): A 2015 customized 16oz Caturra Vacuum Tumbler with lock top (designed by Iron Design).We have 5 shirts left, if you ordered or want to buy one, stop by CRC soon!
Plan ahead for next year!