Cinderella's Closet - Prom Dress Give-Away!
Hosted by: YWCA Elgin
Ongoing Opportunity
Contact coordinator for times
Alana Freedman
[email protected]
(847) 742-7930
About Cinderella's Closet - Prom Dress Give-Away!
Cinderella's Closet is a YWCA Elgin service project of the that offers, free of charge, prom dresses to the population of girls that would otherwise not have the means. The event is also opened up to the general public, where girls can purchase dresses for the low cost of $15.
Cinderella's Closet accepts volunteers of all ages, gender and physical ability. Volunteer opportunities include everything from sorting dresses to being a Fairy Godmother at the Cinderella's Closet event.
Application Process
Submit a "Volunteer Commitment Agreement Form" which can be found at
Parents and children are invited and encouraged to get involved.
We're looking for volunteers who:
Care about:
- Community Advocacy
- Homelessness & Housing
- Youth
- Poverty and Hunger
- Environment
- Women's Issues
Are a skilled:
- Grand Poobah
- Mentor
Volunteers (0)
No one has signed up yet, but you could be the first!