Expand Programs at the Caverns at Natural Bridge

A fundraising campaign for Virginia Conservation Legacy Fund

With your help, we can acquire new teaching tools and resources to expand the education programs at the Caverns at Natural Bridge for students and families.

The Cavern at Natural Bridge provides visitors with an opportunity to view noteworthy biological and geological features that lie beneath our feet. This subterranean resource has the potential to serve as an education and research centerpiece for school groups and youth visiting the Natural Bridge property.

Strategic teaching models, such as the Karst Education Water Model, illustrate the susceptibility of our underground caves to disturbance by pollution and provide a true to life example of how we can protect our own clean drinking water supplies. This underground realm is significant not only because of our own use of the water found within but, also because of the aquatic habitats occurring throughout the cave. Many of these species and our aquatic resources can be understood and monitored using simple devices such as the Karst Education Water Model, binoculars, water testing kits, and Enviroscape Models.

Each year the Natural Bridge Park and Caverns at Natural Bridge provides educational and interpretive programs for nearly 7,000 students. The number of students we are able to reach each year is directly influenced by the quality, and availability of supplies needed, but do not currently possess. 

With your help and support we can provide new teaching tools and resources to expand our education programs at the Caverns at Natural Bridge. If you would like to make an in-kind donation please contact India Akers, at [email protected]. Please see our in-kind wish list below:

Caverns Education Program Supplies         

Karst Education Water Mode

Enviroscape Watershed Non-Point Source Model

Bat Trunk Supplies

Water Testing Kit: pH (5)

Water Testing Kit: Hardness (5)

Water Testing Kit: Dissolved Oxygen (5)

Inferred Thermometers (2)

Bushnell 7x50mm Binoculars Water/Fog Proof (3)

Coleman Battery Powered Lantern for Bat Tours (15)

Misc. Project Underground Activity Supplies 

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