Spring Blood Drive in RC Cook Union

Hosted by: The University of Southern Mississippi


February 23 - February 25, 2016


Past Opportunity


Christy Arrazattee

This is a past opportunity

About Spring Blood Drive in RC Cook Union

Volunteers are needed for the check-in table at RC Cook Union to check in blood donors and provide instructions on how to donate. Volunteers are needed for 2-hour time slots from 9-3 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

You can come and donate blood too! Donors will receive a Free T-shirt (while supplies last). If you are going to donate, complete your health history questionnaire the same day at www.UnitedBloodServices.org and click on the Health History button on the left side of our home page. To make an appointment, go to www.bloodhero.com (sponsor code: USM) or call United Blood Services at 601-264-0743.

We need volunteers to help with:

Check-in Volunteer

February 23, 2016 9:00am 11:00am
This task is filled or completed
Who volunteered?

Check-in Volunteer

February 23, 2016 11:00am 1:00pm
This task is filled or completed
Who volunteered?
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Volunteers (9)

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