San Antonio Volunteer Effort (SAVE)

Hosted by: Trinity University


February 22, 2014


Past Opportunity


Edwin Blanton
[email protected]

This is a past opportunity

About San Antonio Volunteer Effort (SAVE)

San Antonio Volunteer Effort is TUVAC's biggest single day of volunteering! Students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends are invited to volunteer in one of our many service opportunities on February 22. Please sign up here and note your start time. Transportation is provided from campus. T-shirts are available to the first 150 volunteers!

We need volunteers to help with:

Habitat for Humanity Build

February 21, 2014 7:00pm
This task is filled or completed
Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity!

Meet at the Bell Center at 7:30 a.m. Wear clothed toed shoes and jeans that you don't mind getting a little dirty. Breakfast will be provided along with transportation to and from campus. Expect to return to campus by 3:30 p.m.
Who volunteered?

Basura Bash at Salido Creek-Wilshire Terrace Park

February 21, 2014 7:00pm
This task is filled or completed
Join this fun annual event to clean city parks & recreational areas! Volunteers are needed to pick up litter at Salido Creek- Wilshire Terrace. Wear closed toed shoes and jeans you don't mind getting a little dirty.
Breakfast will be provided along with transportation to and from campus.

Meet at the Bell Center at 7:30 a.m.
Plan to return to campus by 12:30 p.m.
Who volunteered?
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Volunteers (94)

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