With your help, we will award two scholarships - a $3,000 tuition scholarship and $2,000 book scholarship.

Thursday Network is proud of its history as one of the most progressive service-oriented organizations in the metropolitan D.C. area. We continue to support the education of local youth. According to the National Center For Education Statistics (2015), 13% of Black and 19% of Latino eighth graders in D.C. Public Schools earned proficiency on the national math exam. Similarly, 12% of Black and 19% of Latino D.C. eighth graders scored proficient in reading. As young professionals and philanthropists we have the opportunity to support the achievement of our students. Let's invest in philanthropy and education!

As part of our commitment to the Greater Washington community, Thursday Network developed a scholarship program to help high school students pursue a college education. Since 1992, the Thursday Network "I EMPOWER" Scholarship Fund has awarded $153,000 in college assistance to high school seniors in Washington, DC, Montgomery County, MD, and Prince George's County, MD. Students use the award to fund their post secondary education at any accredited 4-year college or university in the United States.

Click here to learn more about Thursday Network. 

Jamirah Jackson, one of our 2015 "I EMPOWER" Scholarship recipients wrote Thursday Network a thank you letter. Please read her letter below:

July 22, 2015

Dear Sponsors of the Thursday Network “I Empower Scholarship,

There is an old Nigerian proverb that says “It takes a whole village to raise a child”.  Thank you so much for being apart of “my village”.  As a member of Friendship Collegiate Academy’s Class of 2015, I am extremely grateful to be a recipient of the 2015 Thursday Network’s “I Empower” Scholarship.  Because of your generosity, I will be able to attend Virginia State University in the fall, where I will major in Criminal Justice. 

I was raised in one of the most poverty-stricken areas of the Washington, DC.  Growing up in a neighborhood where the cycle of educational hopelessness has far too often been repeated, I was determined to graduate from high school.  Not only did I accomplish this task with honors, but with your contributions and support, I am now afforded the opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a lawyer/advocate for at-risk youth, by attending college. 

Your donations have lightened my financial burden tremendously, enabling me to focus more on learning and doing well in school. I promise to continue to water and nurture the “seeds” you have planted,so that I too, may give back to my community and be a beacon of light for others to come. 

Once again, thank you so much for believing in me! I will not let you down!


 Jamirah Jackson

Thursday Network members, let's continue to invest in education. Support students like Jamirah and encourage your friends to do the same. If you have questions please contact Fund Development Chair Capree Bell at [email protected]

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