The Prosthetic Foundation was established in 2010 to help under-served and under insured amputees. The Prosthetic Foundation is committed to ensuring that amputees not only receive a prosthesis but also receive the follow-up care that is essential in the successful outcome of regaining independence. The loss of a limb can create a severe challenge and prevent an amputee from being able to perform the activities of daily living that many of us take for granted. The physical and psychological independence that a prosthesis can provide not only affects the amputee but can make a world of difference for their family and everyone around them. Having a prosthesis will not only improve the quality of life for an amputee but is important in preventing all of the possible complications that arise from being sedentary in a wheelchair.
It is estimated that 1 in 10 amputees are unable to obtain a prosthesis due to financial difficulty, and in Texas, Medicaid does not cover prosthetics for adults. Depending on the level of function the amputee needs to regain, the cost of the prosthetic components can be high. A below knee prosthesis can be provided to an amputee for $2,500 to $5,000, and an above knee prosthesis can be provided for $3,500 to $5,000. Upper extremity prosthetic costs vary greatly depending on the level of amputation and function required.
Your support of The Prosthetic Foundation would be greatly appreciated and would be the first step in the journey of an amputee to take back their independence. Please help us give a hand to the amputees of Texas in regaining their quality of life!