Listening Ear New Volunteer Orientations

Hosted by: The Listening Ear


June 13 - June 25, 2016


Past Opportunity


Ian Jacobs
[email protected]

This is a past opportunity

About Listening Ear New Volunteer Orientations

Want to become part of organization? Come to 1 of our 4 orientations. At the orientations, you can expect to get information about our organization, our new-volunteer training, and you will also fill out an application and go through an informal group interview.

The Orientation Dates and Locations are as follows:

-June 13th, 7pm-9pm at MSU's Berkey Hall

-June 16th, 7pm-9pm at MSU's Berkey Hall

-June 22nd, 7pm-9pm at LCC's Gannon Building

-June 25th, 12pm-2pm at the Listening Ear (2504 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI)

*NOTE* Only one orientation needs to be attended in order to be considered for our training.

Application Process

To qualify for our new volunteer training, please attend one of the four orientations (dates listed above).

We're looking for volunteers who:

Care about:

  • Community Advocacy

Are a skilled:

  • Talker

Volunteers (2)

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