#TransGlam Stylist
Hosted by: The Gifted Gown
About #TransGlam Stylist
Indy Pride is just around the corner! On June 6th, Indy's trans community will be hosting #TransGlam - a free night of music, dancing, friendship and fun.
The Gifted Gown will be giving away free formals, suits, shoes, and accessories for those attending #TransGlam that may have a financial need. We're looking for volunteers to serve as personal stylist and attendants to help our guest to have a special shopping experience.
Application Process
All volunteers must complete "The Gifted Gown Volunteer Information Packet" located in the "Documents" section. Please bring the completed forms with you on the day you choose to volunteer or you may email the form to [email protected] prior to volunteering :)
Parents and children are invited and encouraged to get involved.
We need volunteers to help with:
Personal Shopper
Personal Shopper
Volunteers (5)
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