Volunteers needed for CFNM's MLK Day of Service Health Insurance Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Fair in Hernando, MS

Hosted by: The Box Project


January 18, 2016


Past Opportunity


Iyeshia Haynes
[email protected]

This is a past opportunity

About Volunteers needed for CFNM's MLK Day of Service Health Insurance Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Fair in Hernando, MS

*If you plan on volunteering please register at this link: http://www.allforgood.org/volunteer/opportunity/12510 and email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

VISTAs (Volunteers In Service To America) at CFNM (Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi) will host a healthcare enrollment/re-enrollment fair on MLK Day from 10 am to 2 pm. According to the Mississippi State Department of Health, a majority of the adults in Mississippi are overweight; approximately 225,000 adults in the state are estimated to have diabetes, heart disease, asthma; and stroke is the third leading cause of death. Providing an event that allows for individuals and families to have access to healthcare helps people in Mississippi combat these diseases directly with the help of doctors.

Volunteers will be needed to assist with organizing the event, to greet, help set up and break down materials, and to assist our healthcare navigators with their needs as they work to assist people. Volunteers will be needed in other areas as we draw closer to the day of the event.

We're looking for volunteers who:

Care about:

  • Health and Wellness

Are a skilled:

  • Talker
  • Professional

We need volunteers to help with:

Break Down Crew

January 18, 2016 2:00pm 2:45pm
This task is filled or completed
"Breaking down tables and chairs" "Clean up"

Event Workers*

January 18, 2016 10:00am 2:00pm
This task is filled or completed
"Assisting Healthcare Navigators" "Direct Waiting Participants"
*Shifts are available*
Who volunteered?

Volunteers (3)

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