Vermont Day of Giving

Supporting Senior Independence for 41 Years

A fundraising campaign for Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging

Case Management & Options Counseling Program

Case Managers/Options Counselors encourage independence by helping individuals access services and benefits that will enhance their quality of life. Case Managers/Options Counselors empower their clients to make important life decisions especially around long term care services and other needed   supports. They also serve as Care Advisors for the Veterans Independence   Program (VIP). Our case management/options counseling staff served 1,845 elders this year.

Senior HelpLine

 SVCOA’s Senior HelpLine is a toll-free, confidential service providing information, referrals and assistance on community and statewide programs. We are the “go-to” place to turn to for answers to questions on elder  issues. Our HelpLine staff processed 6,243 calls this year.

Nutrition Program

This year 214,246 meals were served to 2,911 elderly persons in our region. There were142,737 home delivered meals to 936 elders, who reside in one of the 40 towns in our service area. 2,130 older persons participated at one or more of the community luncheon sites in the region, serving 71,509 meals. More than 800 “blizzard bags”, containing 3 shelf stable meals each were provided to Meals on Wheels participants and other  vulnerable elders to be used in an emergency situation such as a power outage or a snowstorm that would prevent drivers from delivering meals. Nutritional education was provided by our registered dietitian to senior groups, in addition to  individual nutrition counseling sessions.

Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

SHIP staff made 2,067 contacts in this fiscal year regarding complex issues related to Medicare, Medigap and Medicare Part D insurance benefits.

Senior Companion Program (SCP)

  SVCOA serves as the host agency for the Senior Companion Program in both Rutland and Bennington Counties. 25 Senior Companions working with our agency assisted 112 individuals this year.

National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP)

  The Council continues to support caregivers in our region by providing caregiver information through our Senior HelpLine. In addition, we administer funds through our Dementia Respite Grant Program for our region. There were 51 Dementia Respite Grants awarded to eligible caregivers. NFCSP grants were awarded to community providers through our Rutland and Bennington County Coalitions, The Alzheimer’s Association, as well as through our Vermont Kin as Parents (VKAP). This past year 346 caregivers participated in our numerous caregiver programs throughout our planning service area.

Elder Care Clinician

  Our Elder Care Clinicians support seniors with mental health concerns that interfere with daily life. This year they provided private counseling to 64 elders in their own homes throughout our planning service area.

Money Management Program

  SVCOA has two programs to help individuals manage their financial affairs. The first is a bill payer service, which provides volunteers to help low income clients establish a budget, open, organize and send out mail. Our volunteers also help with check writing and balancing the individual’s checkbook. SVCOA provided 6 volunteers and assisted 14 clients for our bill payer service. We also offer a  fee-for-service Representative Payee Program. SVCOA staff provide complete over site of an individual’s finances. Currently there are 64 enrolled in this program.

Volunteer Opportunities

 SVCOA programs provided meaningful opportunities for 307 volunteers in our region. We are grateful to these volunteers who served as Board members,  Advisory Council members, Meals-on-Wheels drivers and congregate meal site servers, Senior Companions, SHIP and Money Management volunteers. We acknowledge we would not be able to fulfill our work and mission without the support of these dedicated volunteers.


  SVCOA is actively involved with a number of programs that provide transportation to seniors in Rutland and Bennington Counties. The Council  provides some financial support to the One-2-One volunteer transportation  program in Rutland County, as well as to Bennington Project Independence Adult Day Center and Green Mountain Express in Bennington County.  SVCOA also partners with Marble Valley Regional Transit District in Rutland and with Green Mountain Express in Bennington to provide essential transportation through a program for elders and people with disabilities. These organizations provided 34,691 rides this year to our area’s elderly and disabled individuals.


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