Big Fix

Hosted by: SNIPSA


May 6, 2017


Past Opportunity


Shannon Espy

This is a past opportunity

About Big Fix

Just after sunrise, people line up with their pets to drop them off for surgery. Paperwork is completed and an assembly of volunteers transfer, weigh, and place all incoming appointments in assigned kennels. It is amazing to watch as pet owners arrive with dogs in bird cages, puppies in laundry baskets, and cats in carboard boxes. We never quite know what to expect and are amazed at the creativity of folks.
The day begins and surgeons start their first surgery by 8am. All animals receive vaccinations, microchips, and pain medication. If we notice fleas, ticks, earmites, and other skin disease, we treat these conditions too, as this is often the animals first and last stop for veterinary care in its lifetime. A core group of nurses and volunteers monitor animals until they have recovered from surgery.
Owners are called and the animals return to their homes. They are afforded a better quality of life and most importantly will no longer be contributing to the pet overpopulation problem. In one day, we sterilize approximately 350 dogs and cats- fairly impressive when you consider the number of births prevented!

Application Process

Register to become a SNIPSA volunteer at


Parents and children are invited and encouraged to get involved.

Volunteers (0)

No one has signed up yet, but you could be the first!
