St. John's Catholic Campus Ministry

We provide a Christian environment rich in hospitality, prayer, liturgy, and discipleship! Your gift today will have long-lasting benefits for many students!

A fundraising campaign for Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise

Please support the FOCUS Campus Ministry program at St. John's on the campus of Idaho State University!      

As part of the Roman Catholic diocese of Boise, St. John’s Catholic Center’s mission is to provide a Christian environment rich in hospitality, prayer, liturgy, and discipleship, from which we can reach out to evangelize and serve the greater community. St. John’s welcomes students and faculty of ISU as well as others who wish to be a part of our family.

·       Close to 100 students spend quality time as part of our Catholic community in Pocatello and are actively involved in leading prayer groups and assist with the Father Simeon Liturgical Music Ministry on a weekly basis.

·       Hundreds of students attend Sunday Mass and participate in additional prayer experiences like adoration and morning/evening prayer regularly.

·       Each campus has reported an increase in student participation in the music ministry beyond music at Mass (retreats, adoration, other parishes, etc…)

·       Students are energized by the liturgy and music and attend the social, community building events like Friday Fiestas, Friendsgiving which are a student led meals after Mass hospitality events and Soup-er Tuesday during the week.

·       Bengal Catholics participated in retreats, bible studies, and are involved in discipleship with missionaries where liturgy and friendship are a big part of the ministry both to bring them into the fold and to keep their interest high.

St. John’s Catholic center’s mission is to serve and minister to the students, faculty, and staff of Idaho State University. We are a center of hospitality, prayer, liturgy and sacraments, and outreach. We are staffed by a full-time paid campus minister, and a full time Catholic Priest. Additionally, we have the support and assistance of approximately 15 volunteers from the permanent Catholic community in Eastern Idaho, and of our nine peer ministers. Currently St. John’s provides a variety of activities both religious and recreational. These include but are not limited to; daily prayer, daily mass, daily confession, daily free lunch , a laundry room, study lounge, library, weekly Bible study, R. C. I. A., and temporary housing for visiting parents. Additionally, we offer retreats and fellowship activities each semester according to the interests and needs of current students. Both Catholics and non-Catholics take advantages of the services offered by St. John’s. Our community is multicultural, multi-religious, and people from all different social classes are represented. 


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