Recruitment Specialist
Hosted by: PLUS Positive
Ongoing Opportunity
Contact coordinator for times
Virtual OpportunityContact
Renodda Hopkins
[email protected]
About Recruitment Specialist

Recruitment Specialist Role Description
The Recruitment Specialist will support the Director of Operations with the day-to-day operations of the Volunteer Management Team,by collaborating with department managers and PLUS Positive Communities on a regular basis and proactively identifying future hiring needs. The position is a non-paid, part-time internship with credited volunteer hours based on a time commitment of 10 hours per week.
●Design and implement the overall recruiting strategy.
●Sourcing and attracting candidates by using databases, social media etc.
●Conducting interviews and filtering candidates for open positions
●Prepare recruitment materials and post jobs to appropriate job board/ newspapers/colleges etc.
●Act as a point of contact and build influential candidate relationships during the selection process. Volunteer Registration Process
●Create volunteer role descriptions, based on department/PLUS Positive Community needs. ●Post volunteer opportunities○Via volunteer networks○Via grant partners networks○Via social media networks
●Create and disburse volunteer opportunity newsletter.
●Screen applicants
●Conduct volunteer orientation biweekly calls.
●Make sure all volunteers complete their volunteer application and establish their GiveGab account. Skills/Qualifications ●Excellent written and oral communication skills. ●Knowledge and capability of using the variety of Microsoft Office Suites.
●Ability to maintain confidentiality and act within professional boundaries.
This is a part-time internship and we require that you have your own computer to complete the internship projects and tasks. Candidates should maintain a positive attitude under pressure, exhibit a strong work ethic, and enjoy working with a wide range of personalities. Most importantly, the candidate should be flexible and willing to take on multiple tasks.
Application Process
To Apply Complete the following questionnaire:
We're looking for volunteers who:
Are a skilled:
- Professional
Volunteers (0)
No one has signed up yet, but you could be the first!