Maple Syrup Production
Hosted by: MSU WK Kellogg Biological Station
February 1 - April 15, 2016Time
Past Opportunity
Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
(269) 671-2263
About Maple Syrup Production
Michigan State University
W.K. Kellogg Experimental Forest
7060 N 42nd Street
Augusta, MI 49012
MSU Kellogg Biological Station
3700 East Gull Lake Drive
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
W.K. Kellogg Forest offers you the chance to beat cabin fever, help others and learn to make a traditional spring favorite -- maple syrup.
Volunteers will tap trees, collect sap, operate the sap evaporator and package maple syrup at the Augusta-area forest from mid-February through mid-April. Activities are weather dependent, as sap runs on warm days following very cold nights. Volunteers are also needed at the open house event greeting visitors and running activities.
Qualifications: Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Volunteers are needed to help plan and staff open house (Mid-Feb through Mid-April).
Application Process
The W.K. Kellogg Biological Station offers diverse opportunities for you to share your time and talents and meet new people. How to Apply: Go to
We're looking for volunteers who:
Care about:
- Education
- Environment
Are interested in:
- The Outdoors
We need volunteers to help with:
Maple Syrup Production Training
Maple Syrup Production Training Activities will include;
1) Tour of the Maple Manor and discuss volunteers duties such as collecting sap, making syrup, canning syrup
2) Tour the sugar bush and discuss volunteer’s duties such as checking sap amounts and collect sap as needed.
3) Then volunteers will sign up for specific tasks they would like to take part in.
Maple Syrip Open House
Maple Syrup Production Training
Maple Syrup Production Training Activities will include;
1) Tour of the Maple Manor and discuss volunteers duties such as collecting sap, making syrup, canning syrup
2) Tour the sugar bush and discuss volunteer’s duties such as checking sap amounts and collect sap as needed.
3) Then volunteers will sign up for specific tasks they would like to take part in.
Maple Syrip Open House
Volunteers (3)
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