Farmer Veteran Coalition National Stakeholders Conference

Hosted by: MSU Student Veterans Resource Center


November 28 - December 1, 2016


Past Opportunity


Sarah Mellon
[email protected]

This is a past opportunity

About Farmer Veteran Coalition National Stakeholders Conference

The Michigan Farmer Veteran Coalition is serving as a host to the National Farmer Veteran Coalition's 2016 National Stakeholder Conference. The conference will be held on the campus of Michigan State University from November 30-December 2, 2016.

As a supporter of the conference, the SVRC will be coordinating volunteers to serve several roles throughout and leading up to the conference.

We're looking for volunteers who:

Care about:

  • Veterans

We need volunteers to help with:

Guest Packet Assembly

November 28, 2016 6:00pm 7:30pm
This task is filled or completed
Place guests materials (brochures, snacks, etc.) into guest bags for conference participants. Meet at 6PM in room 13 in the Student Services Building.
Who volunteered?

Registration Table 1PM-3PM

November 29, 2016 1:00pm 3:00pm
This task is filled or completed
Assist arriving conference guests with conference check-in. Distribute guest bags and other materials as participants register.
Who volunteered?
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Volunteers (23)

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