Serve with the LAPD Wilshire Division!
Hosted by: Mount Saint Mary's University
Ongoing Opportunity
Contact coordinator for times
Lt. Julius Guay
About Serve with the LAPD Wilshire Division!

Looking for a way to serve the people of Los Angeles?
Want to have a direct impact on community problems?
Need to fulfill service-learning hours?
LAPD Wilshire Division is looking for volunteers to work with Officers, Detectives & staff in investigations, police work and devising strategies that have a direct impact on Community problems.
Open to all majors! Great for students in criminology, ethics, sociology, social work, psychology, political science or other related fields.
* Speak to your professor to see if this opportunity satisfies requirements for directed study, service-learning or internship hours.
Application Process
For more information, contact Lt. Julius Guay at 30429@LAPD.LACITY.ORG
Volunteers (3)
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