MathCounts Coaching
Hosted by: Mathematics Department Outreach Michigan State University
About MathCounts Coaching
MSU students are working to help local middle schools start MATHCOUNTS teams. Volunteers will help coach local teams, with meetings after school. Currently, a team is meeting at Macdonald Middle School in East Lansing on Wednesdays from 3:10-4:10.
MATHCOUNTS is a national program for middle school students that fosters a heightened interest in mathematics in sessions that generally take place before or after the regular school day. Competitions – that are both rigorous and fun – are held on the local, state, and national level to recognize the achievements of the participating “mathletes.” We are looking for volunteers to help coach local MathCounts teams. Practices can be scheduled according to your availability, and may be held on campus or at local schools. The primary season runs from October through the local competition at the end of February. Materials, and training will be provided. This is a perfect opportunity for anyone who enjoyed mathematics competitions!
Application Process
ALL MSU VOLUNTEERS SERVING YOUTH PROGRAMS must complete an MSU Background Check before becoming involved. Find the form here:
Return the completed form to K.C. Keyton of the MSU Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement via…
Scan and e-mail: [email protected]
or Fax: 517.353.6663
or Mail / Drop Off:
556 East Circle Drive, Suite 345
Student Services Building
East Lansing, MI 48824
We're looking for volunteers who:
Care about:
- Youth
- Education
Are a skilled:
- Math Whiz
- Mentor
Are interested in:
- Geeking Out
- Intellectual Pursuits
Volunteers (13)
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