Stewart Park Carousel Wheelchair-Accessible Ramp

FSP led the effort to repaint all of the horses and raised $10,000 for a new fence. Now we want to build a ramp to make the carousel wheelchair-accessible.

A fundraising campaign for Friends of Stewart Park

The Friends of Stewart Park worked with artists Christi Sobel and Julia John to raise more than $15,000 to repaint all 30 carousel horses during 2014 and 2015.  At the end of last year, Ithaca Garden Club member and FSP board member Beverly Hillman raised more than $10,000 from her Ithaca High School graduating class to replace an old chainlink fence with a lovely new decorative and sturdy metal fence.  Now, in keeping with our concept for developing a universally-accessible new playground in the park, we would like to raise funds needed to build a wheelchair accessible ramp and adapt one of the carousel chariots for wheelchair access and use.  Please help us make this carousel accessible for children of all ages and abilities by making a donation today.  Thank you in advance for you support for Stewart Park revitalization.

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