Camp EAGR!

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it." - Helen Keller

A fundraising campaign for Epilepsy-Pralid, Inc



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About Camp EAGR

Kids come to Camp EAGR to enjoy a week of swimming, horseback riding, rock wall climbing, laughing and having fun with kids who also have epilepsy. They'll make new friends and will get to experience things you might not get to do anywhere else.

"Once you experience Camp EAGR, it will quickly become one of the best weeks of your life!"

Epilepsy is a hidden disorder. Despite how common it is fear and stigma exist. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone.But at Camp EAGR, everyone knows what it’s like to have epilepsy. You don’t have to be embarrassed by taking medications, having seizures, or having epilepsy. You can just be YOU.


How can you help?

You can help by making a donation today or contributing at one of our many events throughout the year like the Annual Chocolate Ball or the National Walk for Epilepsy. Your contributions help make it possible for children with epilepsy to have fun and be themselves!


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