DVSAC Volunteer Opportunities

Hosted by: Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Amy Kaiser

About DVSAC Volunteer Opportunities

DVSAC Volunteer Opportunities

All Volunteer/Staff positions require passing a criminal background check, initial training hours, and continuing training hours while volunteering.

Crisis Line Volunteer Advocate:
Answers questions from callers via 24 hour crisis line, shelter clients when appropriate, responds to ER, DVSAC, or to Law Enforcement requests on scene.
May need to transport clients to shelter or bus, etc. Volunteer rotation on monthly crisis calendar. Available to be on-call during evenings, weekends, and holidays.
Requires minimum 40 hours of training,(combination of online, in-person, and past experience) and then 20 hours of continuing education training annually.
Children’s Program Volunteer:
Assist the Children’s Program Coordinator with children’s activities (reading books, playing games, crafts, helping with homework etc) during weekly evening Children’s groups. Works closely with staff regarding group activities and volunteer responsibilities.
Court Watch Volunteer:
Observes No Contact Order renewal hearings. Tracks names and updates to court decisions on active no contact orders for staff. Volunteer hours on Wednesdays mornings 9am-noon.
Office Volunteer:
Assistance is needed in the DVSAC office on a regular basis during office hours (M-F 9am -5pm). General cleaning, sorting of donations, filing, greeting visitors, answering phones, making appointments, etc would be regular responsibilities.
Fundraising Volunteer:
Volunteers are needed at various times throughout the year to serve on fundraising committees to assist in fundraising activities.
ie: Denim Day (sexual assault awareness event in April), Field of Honor (Memorial Day weekend), Policeman’s Ball annual dinner/auction (Oct), Walk a Mile in Her Shoes walkathon (Sept), and others as they become available.
Assisting in soliciting donations/sponsors for fundraising events.
Public Awareness Campaign volunteer:
Assistance with organizing activities for public awareness campaigns, distributing PSA’s, etc. (DV Awareness (Oct), Stalking Awareness (Jan), Sexual Assault Awareness/Denim Day (April), Child Abuse Prevention (April), Teen Dating Violence Awareness (Feb)
Repair/Maintenance volunteer: Assistance with general building upkeep, maintenance & repair.
Seasonal snow shoveling or lawn mowing duties needed as well.
Office Cleaning: Assistance with general cleaning and upkeep of the office. Ie. Mopping,
dusting, vacuuming, general cleaning.
Grant writing volunteer: Assistance is needed in researching grants, completing
grant applications, gathering information for grants, etc.
Public speaking volunteer: volunteers needed to give presentations to the public.

Volunteers (1)

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