Good News Club
About Good News Club
From the beginning, the Good News Club has been at the heart of our worldwide ministry. Clubs meet once a week—usually during the school year—in homes, churches, schools, and other locations. Since the landmark Supreme Court decision in June 2001 confirming equal access to public schools, the number of after-school clubs in the U.S. has increased dramatically.
With their parents’ permission, children hear the Gospel through Bible lessons and missionary stories, songs, and other activities; the children are also encouraged to have a daily quiet time using their 60-Day Wonder Devotional Books. Evangelism and discipleship are primary goals of these clubs.
In August of 2011 we had 27 Good News Clubs in Mississippi with 813 children enrolled. Over the past three years with God’s blessing on the work that number has expanded each year to 64 clubs in August of 2014 with 2,275 children enrolled. We praise God to report that 228 of those children indicated a decision to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior during that year.
Parents and children are invited and encouraged to get involved.
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