BASIS San Antonio North Central, home of the Knights, currently serves grades 5-10. Next year, BASIS San Antonio will expand to serve grades K-12.
How does the BIG Give SA work?Each individual donation helps us towards reaching our Annual Teacher Fund goals for 2016/2017. Each donation up to $500 will get matched by local philanthropic organizations, up to $25,000 for both schools combined! There are several prizes to be won by The Big Give SA as well! The organization with the most individual donations will win a monetary prize! This means that families can donate five $100 donations, instead of one $500 donation, and we will be that much closer towards winning the prize!
How does the ATF work?
The Annual Teacher Fund goes solely to teachers. Each year, we raise between $100k-$300k for teacher bonuses. This is collected up until June 30th and then starts again on July 1st. The funds collected up to June 30th are given the following school year. So the 2016/2017 funds we raise this year will go to teachers NEXT year.
What if my student’s current teachers are moving to the high school next year?
This year’s fundraising will follow our current teachers to their next school, whether it be the new high school or if they stay at one of the primary campuses. Rest assured, your donations will follow your student’s teachers!
What is the breakdown? Does the money all go to teachers?
The bonuses are distributed on a merit basis. The merit includes empirical information like test scores, and learning gains, but also things like contribution to school culture, and the amount of additional support provided to students.