Disaster Action Team (DAT) member
Hosted by: American Red Cross Michigan Region
About Disaster Action Team (DAT) member
Purpose: The Red Cross provides assistance to those affected by fire, severe weather, and other disasters. Become a Disaster Action Team member. Assist those affected by disasters in your community.
Primary responsibilities:
• Provide timely response to disasters and assist those affected
• Respond to disaster scenes as assigned by Team Leader within two hours
• Meet the needs of those affected by disasters such as the need for shelter and food by providing Red Cross services
• Complete forms related to services provided
• Provide referrals to other agencies
• Communicate to Team Leader about availability and readiness on a regular basis
Application Process
Application instructions Apply to volunteer with the Red Cross at the following link: http://rdcrss.org/1jwIkp1
Click apply now and create an account in Volunteer Connection. Complete the volunteer orientation modules. Concurrently, you will need to consent to a background check.
When all that's completed, we'll call you for an intake interview, and place you in the need of ours that fits your interests and skills best!
Volunteers (0)
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