African American Youth Harvest Foundation: Volunteer Details

Hosted by: African American Youth Harvest Foundation


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Karen Duffie
[email protected]

About African American Youth Harvest Foundation: Volunteer Details

We have year-round volunteer opportunities in our Enrichment Programs, which include out of school, after-school, summer camps and special one-time events. Volunteers can:

- Mentor a young person, or small group of youth.
- Be a guest speaker or panelist for special events or career exposure activities.
- Lead or assist with ongoing programs, such as our STEM activities, Krew 12 media group, parenting support groups, etc.
- Lend a hand with special events such as fundraisers, field trips, summer camps or AAYHF Conferences.

Plug into any of the following specific events in 2020 (contact us for details):

- AAYHF Welcome Sessions: Periodic "open house" events at the African American Youth Resource Center (AAYRC), where we share about our programs and services and connect those who want to get involved.

- Summer Youth Employment Conference (Jan. 25th): Helping over 300 youth to apply for summer jobs with the City of Austin and Travis County. General event assistance needed.

- Other AAYHF Conferences (dates TBD): Workshop facilitators, guest speakers and general event assistance needed.

- STEM Girls Service Learning Project (May 2020): One-day service-learning project presentation, where our all girl STEM afterschool program, Sugar Coders, will display their community solutions using the STEM skills they learned. Volunteers can make observations and provide feedback both in person or virtually.

- Urban University Summer Camps (June 1 through July 17): Workshop facilitators, guest speakers, field trips hosts or assistants, program assistants and general event assistance needed.

- Austin CARES Mentoring Summit (Summer 2020): Learn more about becoming a mentor or supporting this initiative to recruit and deploy more mentors across Central Texas.

- Back to School Supply Drive (August 2020)

- Holiday Giving: Thanksgiving turkey drive; Clothing drive; Christmas Toy Drive (Nov/Dec 2020)

Volunteers (1)

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