Paralegal at Access Justice Clinics

Hosted by: Access Justice


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Carrie Simons
[email protected]

About Paralegal at Access Justice Clinics

The legal experience of a paralegal can bring great benefit! As a paralegal, you have worked on many kinds of matters, and may sometimes have experience in a practice area that can help an attorney counseling a client. There is the opportunity to help a client understand the legal recommendations they have received. Your training and experience is well-suited to the work of Access Justice clinics.

We're looking for volunteers who:

Care about:

  • Community Advocacy
  • Homelessness & Housing
  • International Migration, Refugee Issues
  • Women's Issues

Are a skilled:

  • Professional

Volunteers (0)

No one has signed up yet, but you could be the first!