YWCA Cortland COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

Meeting critical needs at a critical time: operating essential services like Aid to Victims of Violence and Child Care.

A fundraising campaign for YWCA Cortland



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312 donors

Make an Emergency Gift Today!

At YWCA, our mission is to eliminate racism and empower women. So, every day we get up and do the work of promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all in Cortland.

However, we were mandated to close our only income-generating programs on March 17 in response to the novel coronavirus crisis.



This situation drastically impacts our ability to serve Cortland County.

We need your help today to continue meeting critical needs at a critical time.

Will you please make an immediate donation of $100, or any amount, to support essential services, like Aid to Victims of Violence and Child Care?

No amount is too small. No amount is too great.

Your gift will support the Aid to Victims of Violence (AVV) program as it provides free, comprehensive and confidential services to vulnerable members of our community, such as the 24-hour crisis hotline, advocacy, counseling, and crisis intervention to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, child abuse, and other crimes. Staff also continues to operate the off-site emergency housing facility for domestic violence victims and their children.

AVV staff virtual weekly meeting

AVV staff member working at YWCA facility

Your donation will also support our Child Care program, which has transitioned to only caring for the school-age children of personnel deemed essential under the Cortland County State of Emergency. This situation means that instead of bringing in tuition from over 200 children we are now generating revenue from only a few, preventing the program from breaking even.

School-Age Care Supervisor working at YWCA facility

School-Age staff taking care of children of essential personnel

Although the YWCA Mentoring program is not considered an essential service under the County's closure guidelines, we believe it is crucial to continue supporting families and children in the Bridges for Kids and GEMS (Girls: Empowered, Motivated and Successful) groups. Mentoring helps kids develop the resiliency skills and self-esteem that will last a lifetime. Your donation will allow children and mentors in these groups to receive guidance on ways to keep in touch and maintain their supportive relationships in ways that don't require face-to-face interactions.

Members of GEMS meeting with group volunteers online

YWCA Leadership has applied for loans through the CARES Act. However, one of these loan programs, the Paycheck Protection Program, ran out of funding before our applications at two different banks could be processed. We are waiting to hear about an Economic Injury Disaster Loan from the Small Business Administration.

This funding, if approved, might take weeks, or months, to be dispersed and must be paid back with interest. To compound matters, expenses continue to accrue even though the facility is closed to the general public.

YOUR donation during this unprecedented time will help the most vulnerable and at-risk members of our community.

Your charitable gift can qualify you for tax breaks due to the CARES Act, even if you don’t itemize. If you do itemize, the CARES Act removes the limit on deducting donations to nonprofits.

Extreme challenges require extraordinary responses. Thank you for your support!


Make an Emergency Gift Today!

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