United Way of Chester County COVID19 Response Fund

Helping Chester County’s most vulnerable families and individuals to have the support they need to weather this crisis.

A fundraising campaign for United Way of Chester County



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324 donors

United Way of Chester County has launched the Chester County COVID-19 Response Fund allowing us to deploy resources to community-based organizations offering crucial support to families and individuals in need. United Way of Chester County remains committed to supporting the well-being of our most vulnerable residents. 

With your support, United Way of Chester County and our partners will be best able to assist non-profits and the people they serve by:

  • Providing support to programs that address things such as food vulnerability, housing assistance and financial stability, healthcare, utility assistance and other basic needs
  • Providing non-profits with critical resources allowing for response to immediate community and client needs

The above list is not exclusive and is subject to change based on ongoing or emerging needs.

Funds raised by this Response Fund will be provided to Chester County nonprofit organizations through a rapid deployment mini-grant process overseen by the United Way of Chester County Community Impact Co-Chairs along with other key community stakeholders.


100% of donations to this fund will be distributed to non-profit organizations in Chester County.


Donations by check should be made payable to United Way of Chester County and mailed to:

495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 302
Exton, PA 19341

Please note “COVID19 Response” in the memo line.

Non-Profit organizations who wish to apply for a grant click here.


(As of 6/11//2020. Information will be updated as often as possible)

United Way of Chester County has awarded $612,758.00 to 83 organizations that provide relief for food insecurity, maintain critical service delivery, prevent homelessness and provide financial stability for the financial insecure. The non-profit organizations have received rapid response grants ranging from $2,000 to $25,000 for COVID-19 related activities and services. To see the list, please click here.


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