It is our great pleasure to invite you to the first ever annual Building Blocks Benefit for New York City College of Technology’s Department of Architectural Technology - to be held on December 1, 2022. Please join us in supporting our greatest resource - our students!
The Building
Blocks Benefit event will begin with drinks and hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 PM
in Voorhees Hall and will feature a Keynote presentation delivered by Katie
Swenson of MASS Design Group, followed by a Meet & Greet in the Second
Floor Lounge. Student docents will lead
tours throughout Voorhees Hall where they will share their compelling stories
and display their extraordinary work.
You will be amazed by their talent and success, despite the many
challenges they each face in supporting their studies.
Tech has the largest undergraduate enrollment of any of the architecture and
architectural studies programs in New York City. In order to expand access, it offers
architectural coursework at three levels - an Associate degree, a Bachelor’s
degree, and the exciting new Bachelor of Architecture program. Our programs provide incomparable opportunity
to a diverse and economically challenged student population.
the future requires many hands and much support. Proceeds from this exciting event will
support student scholarships and internships, essential facilities
improvements, and help ensure that our students have access to the latest technology.
Includes 12 tickets for the Benefit, a full-page Legacy ad in the Benefit ejournal, recognition at the event, and a permanent Building Block Dedication in Voorhees Hall.
Platinum Sponsorship $25,000
Includes 10 tickets for the Benefit, a full- page Platinum ad in the Benefit ejournal, recognition at the event, and a one-year Building Block Dedication in Voorhees Hall.
Gold Sponsorship $10,000
Includes 8 tickets for the Benefit, a full-page Gold ad in the Benefit ejournal, and recognition at the event
Silver Sponsorship $5,000
Includes 4 tickets for the Benefit and a full-page Silver ad in the Benefit ejournal
Copper Ticket(s) for the Benefit $1,000
Benefactor Ticket(s) for the Benefit $500
Supporter Ticket(s) for the Benefit $250
Ticket(s) for the
Benefit $100
FULL - PAGE AD (16” X 9” Horizontal) - $500
HALF - PAGE AD - $300 (9” X 8” Vertical)
Please submit all ads as high-res Jpegs (300 dpi) to
Proceeds from this evening will benefit the City Tech Department of Architectural Technology.
Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.