These are uncertain times…
The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting everyone – We hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. As of today, Taft College will be transitioning classes, counseling, and other student services to online for the safety of our community. Full-time employees, hourly workers, and personnel determined by the campus leadership will continue day-to-day operations whether on-campus or remotely.
At the same time, students are in the midst of their college careers, and we want to ensure that as many as possible move forward toward completing their educational goals. We are here to aid them along with the many adjustments they have to make, such as moving to online instruction or providing online support services. In addition, considerations for students who will be adversely affected by the closing of businesses they work, childcare needs and other changes in their living situations need to be made as well.
The pandemic is hitting our students hard. Some donors have asked how they can help during this time. The Taft College Foundation is responding by providing a way for our donors to support students during this time of transition while we journey through this worldwide health crisis together. The Foundation has created a fund that will support emergency needs that arise from students’ unexpected hardships during this unprecedented time. As Taft College takes proactive steps to help protect our community, we are quickly learning new challenges our students face.
Your donation will provide relief for student financial hardships such as:
- Food Insecurities. Many students received food from our Student Resource Center daily. Hundreds rely on this service weekly, and without classes, on-campus this will not be available.
- Internet Access for Online Classes. Classes are moving online, yet many students lack access to a computer or the internet. They will struggle to keep up with their education.
- Lost wages. Local businesses are reducing their hours. Students who rely on their jobs to help pay for rent, food, and other basic needs are worried about how to make ends meet.
- Travel assistance. Taft College is one of the few community colleges that provide dorms to our students. Many students will need to get home, which could be hundreds of miles away. This is a pressing need.
All of these situations threaten a student’s academic progress by putting increased pressure on their households. If you’d like to support our students and their immediate needs, you can make an online gift or call us at (661)763-7936.
Thank you for all that you do to help Taft College students. Working together, we will get through this challenge and strengthen our community in the process!
-Your Friends at the Taft College Foundation