GSNC Investigative Reporting Fund

Because, democracy.

A fundraising campaign for Granite State News Collaborative








Days to Go



The Granite State News Collaborative is a collective of more than 20 local news organizations stretching across the state of New Hampshire who have agreed to work together in order to bring their communities more news and information they can trust. 

The Collaborative as an organization helps its member outlets share news of statewide impact with each other that can then be distributed across the state and out to you.

Our team of freelance reporters also help fill in reporting and data gaps by providing the in-depth and investigative stories, series and projects for our local news members to publish and broadcast to their communities. Many of our reporters work directly with your local news editors to make that happen.

Support for the Collaborative pays for editing, reporting, research and project management.  In short, every penny raised goes directly into the news you need to stay informed. 

Why this matters:

How do we govern ourselves if we don’t have the information we need? 

We know that when people have access to news and information about their towns, cities and state, they can hold the powerful accountable, advance solutions and work with one another to build the communities and future they want to see.

Our journalists get you that information. We go to the meetings, we track the legislation, we launch the investigations and do the legwork. That is our mission; our public service. We do that for you and you trust us to do it and to do it well. That work takes money and resources. As a fiscally-sponsored nonprofit, we rely on people like you to help us accomplish our mission.

Please support The Granite State News Collaborative today.  Let’s work together to keep our communities informed and strong. 

[Note, we are fiscally sponsored by NH PBS. All donations go to The Granite State News Collaborative.]

Our partners include: 603 Diversity; The Berlin Daily Sun, Business NH Magazine, The Business Journal of Greater Keene, Brattleboro and Peterborough, The Concord Monitor, The Conway Daily Sun, The Eagle Times, The Eagle-Tribune, The Keene Sentinel, The Laconia Daily Sun, Manchester Ink Link, The Marlin Fitzwater Center at Franklin Pierce University, The Nashua Telegraph, NH Bar News, NH Business Review, New Hampshire Press Association, New Hampshire PBS, NH Public Radio, The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, Seacoast Media Group and The Valley News.

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