Rev. Dr. Samuel Acosta Memorial Award

A fundraising campaign for Bronx Community College

The Rev. Dr. Samuel Acosta Memorial Award supports excellent Latinx students in the social sciences, who have demonstrated a dedication to working with their communities in the present and/or in the future.  The recipient must have a 3.2 GPQ or higher, be a attending a four-year college in Fall, is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, and is of Hispanic/Latino descent.

About The Rev. Dr. Samuel Acosta:

The Rev. Dr. Samuel Acosta was an important community leader in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago during the 1970s-1990s, earning a commendation from Mayor Richard M. Daley.

The Rev. Dr. Acosta had degrees in social work, pastoral counseling, and theology, from Princeton, Loyola University, and The University of Chicago's Theological Seminary.  He used his broad knowledge to support Latinx families who were struggled with displacement from their countries of origin, discrimination and persecution, and family trauma. 

He also created a community center which housed a preschool, satellite college campuses, and a counseling center in Logan Square.  This award is meant to remember his legacy but, more importantly, support students who wish to give to their communities in a similar fashion.

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