National Women's Defense League

We are long overdue for a national advocacy effort to root out harassment—and we have to start by holding our own elected officials to account.

The National Women’s Defense League (NWDL) is a national nonpartisan organization dedicated to preventing sexual harassment and protecting survivors through research, advocacy, and survivor support. We are a coalition of advocates, political and legislative staff, lobbyists, policymakers, and survivors from across the country working toward a future where everyone is respected in the workplace and where sexual harassment is not tolerated. 

NWDL was founded in 2022 in the wake of the #MeToo collective outcry. News cycle after news cycle, they watched women risk everything to call out harassment, while the ramifications for perpetrators were hard-fought for and inconsistent, and the attention from media and decision makers was fleeting. They saw a systemic problem with a glaring need for stronger and more coordinated advocacy, better policy approaches and more robust support for survivors. Joined by a diverse group of advocates, experienced campaigners, and survivors, NWDL was formed and aligned around a state-level strategy and a nonpartisan approach. The organization’s first priority would be taking on the policy makers themselves: putting an end to lawmaker harassment in statehouses across the country. As the organization begins the work of listening, learning and advocating, the founding leadership is ultimately driven by a shared belief that speaking truth to power should not be the burden of survivors alone.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 before the new state legislative sessions begin in January to expand our efforts.

The National Women’s Defense League (NWDL) is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to preventing sexual harassment and protecting survivors. Our aim is to shine a light on the problem of sexual harassment and promote solutions. We do research to help understand the breadth of the problem, provide education for the public and decision makers, and develop policies and best practices that prevent sexual harassment and protect survivors.

We are grateful to have found a home as a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization dedicated to supporting change makers and building inclusive communities that work for everyone. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by governing laws. 

To give by check please make checks payable to "Center for Transformative Action" with NWDL in the memo line and mail to: Center for Transformative Action, P.O. Box 760, Ithaca NY 14851.

Thank you in advance for your support. If we’ve learned anything thus far, it’s that every single voice matters in this fight.

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