Polar Bear Dip & Dash
December 31, 2024
RACE RESULTS: 2024 Polar Bear Dip & Dash Race Results
Tuesday December 31, 2024
Southern Maine Community College
9:00 AM Run
9:01 AM Walk
10:30 AM Polar Plunge on Willard Beach
In 2024 we are introducing sliding scale registration - we encourage you to choose the registration price that best fits your circumstances! If you can pay more, you are making it possible for someone with less economic wealth to join us. If the standard registration fee is outside of your comfort zone, we've included a more accessible registration point this year as well. If all registration levels are outside of your comfort zone, please contact Colleen Donohoe at CDonohoe@NRCM.org to request a scholarship.
The Natural Resources Council of Maine has been around for more than 60 years pursuing our mission to protect, restore, and conserve Maine's environment. Today, we recognize that we can't meaningfully do that work without addressing climate change. The effects of climate change on Maine’s environment are severe. Energy efficiency, clean air, and renewable energy sources are a priority for NRCM.
Every cent raised through registration and peer-to-peer fundraising will be used to directly support this work to reduce emissions and realize a clean energy future.
Please visit our FAQ page to learn more about the event.