Looking for The Big Give 2024?
Welcome to The Big Give 2023 ❤!
North Junior High PTO needs ALL of your help to raise $15,000 in February
In a typical school year, the PTO starts with reserves and a budget. As we all know, we haven't had a typical school year since 2019. The North PTO started this year with a zero balance. Instead of a big gala or asking repeatedly for funding, we simplified: one BIG ASK to ALL our families. This is our primary fundraising effort this semester and the money we raise will go towards the students this year.
No donation is too small when everyone gives.
We know this is a generous and supportive community.
Think of the multiplying effect your gift could have!
Every $25 helps 2 kids
$50 four students
$75 six students
$100 eight students
The first priority will be funding Team Days for 7th and 8th graders and Freshman Farewell for the 9th graders. Help revive the tradition of sending ALL students into summer by celebrating the special memories of friends, teachers and fun times at North.
After we cover team days, additional funds will go towards: Student Leadership, club requests, teacher appreciation, Viking Hut and assembly prizes, school community events and the annual 8th grade Outdoor Program.
If we meet our goal, Ms. Dietz and Mr. Lingle have promised a "BIG SURPRISE" for the students!
How can we raise $15,00 in one month? By THINKING BIG & GIVING BIG! This is an important call to action so please spread the word by sharing this URL/website with businesses, extended family, grandparents & social media.
Donations are made to the Boise Public Schools Foundation, a private, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization established to raise and manage funds for the Boise School District.
THANK YOU❤ for generously supporting our kids, staff and school community!