The Laurie Hamzik Science and STEAM Lab
Did you have Laurie Hamzik as a teacher at Saint Ambrose School?
She is the Myth.
She is the Legend.
She is the "Science Geek" as she calls herself of Science.
Our school is booming with eager scientific students.
We are need of a SCIENCE and STEAM LAB at Saint Ambrose School to help further our growth in the science and technology.
It will be a universal lab for our students (K-8) to interact in science and technology while experiencing 21st century laboratory environment. The science space will be dedicated in honor of Laurie Hamzik and her 30 years of education and dedication to Saint Ambrose School of Science. If Mrs. Hamzik made an impact on you as student, NOW is the time to help her keep educating our youth in Saint Ambrose School FIRST Science and STEAM Lab.