Inspire's Day Hab Needs a New Ride

Make a difference for individuals with disabilities and the community.

A fundraising campaign for INSPIRE



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15 donors

Dear Friends,

One of Inspire's most popular programs is Day Habilitation provided “without walls," serving individuals with disabilities, age 18+, who are no longer enrolled in the school system. Rather than offering activities at one site, the “without walls” concept takes the individuals with disabilities into the community to develop life skills. Day Habilitation is growing faster than expected due to the tremendous success of this program and strong demand in Orange County. Without transportation (Inspire vehicles taking them from place to place) the program cannot continue to grow. A new vehicle is not only necessary to allow more participants into the program, but also necessary to bring them to their ultimate goal… becoming full members of society. Your much-needed contributions to help purchase a new vehicle will allow participants to acquire life skills and experiences that give them the opportunity to forge their own path based on their hopes and dreams.

On weekdays, Inspire employees pick-up the Day Habilitation participants from their homes, and they ride to arranged activities in the community for a full day of helping, learning and doing, acquiring life skills and reaching for their individual goals. Individuals participate in 60% community assisting activities and 40% recreational activities such as bowling, museums, and parks.

Organizations benefiting from Day Hab Volunteer efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Goshen Humane Society
  • Orange County Office of the Aging
  • Back to the Future Farm
  • Grace Fellowship Church
  • Goshen Presbyterian Church
  • Salvation Army of Port Jervis

What makes Day Habilitation “without walls” special:

  • Provides purpose on a daily basis
  • Fulfills dreams
  • Provides an outlet
  • Provides rewarding experiences
  • Builds self-esteem
  • Provides meaningful connections
  • Encourages independence
  • Builds a skill-base, getting participants ready for jobs
  • Develops participants into full members of society

At the end of each busy day, participants ride home in the designated Inspire vehicle.  While each day is different, they are constantly learning new and different skills. Please help fund a "new ride" for Inspire's Day Habilitation participants to keep the program rolling, growing, changing lives -- one person at a time. 

Inspire, officially Orange County Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc., is a charitable 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Please help Inspire in its mission to help others maximize their capabilities and lead fuller lives.

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