Immaculate Conception Columbus is excited to be participating, once again, in #GivingTuesday on November 27, 2018!
This global day of giving harnesses the collective power of communities like IC to encourage philanthropy and celebrate generosity worldwide. Following the commercial days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the giving season by inspiring people to collaborate and give back.
One of the core beliefs of our Catholic faith is that every human life is a gift from God and sacred from conception to natural death. In keeping with our parish mission to "...respect and care for fellow parishioners and neighbors...", IC has chosen, from this point forward, to direct all of the funds raised from #GivingTuesday to organizations that promote a dignity of life, at every stage and every circumstance.
This year, all funds raised from our #GivingTuesday efforts will be directed to Misericordia Heart of Mercy in Chicago. You may have heard of this wonderful organization through conversations with our dear friend and former Pastor Monsignor Anthony Missimi, as his niece, Angela, is a resident there and thriving!
Misericordia is located on a 31-acre campus in the Roger’s Park neighborhood of Chicago and home to over 600 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It also provides programs for over 150 families in the Outreach Program. Misericordia has become a national model for care, providing a full continuum of care, as well as offering residential placement, work opportunities, and therapy and recreational programs. Click here for a YouTube video about Misericordia's Work Opportunities and Adult Enrichment Programs.
We are thrilled to be promoting the great work this community does in fostering each resident’s spirituality, dignity, respect and quality of life and thank you, in advance, for supporting Misericordia this #GivingTuesday.
For more information,