Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. Being forced to work or have sexual relations with other people against your will is the story-line of many women who are a part of Project Mona's house; a restoration home, and support group for women who have been victims of human trafficking in the United States.
As a community, a nation, or just humanity in general, we have a responsibility to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. We have a responsibility to lift each other up where others have torn them down. The effects of human trafficking can last for a lifetime.
The Project Mona's House family is here to spread awareness about this terrible crime because it is the first step in prevention. We also exist to help women regain their lives by providing them safe shelter, career training, access to education and trade programs, individual and group counseling, bible studies, trips, and much more. We want women to walk in their purpose and be the best version of themselves.
So we ask you this question... are you moved yet? Are you moved enough to help women get free, stay free, and become functioning members of society? Are you moved enough to start talking about it amoungst your peers and co-workers? Will you take the steps to become educated, and help these women be free? Are you moved to join the fight?
With your help and support, we can raise enough money to continue to serve women who are victims of human trafficking, and help them regain their lives. WIll you help us?