Haywood Burns Contemplative Social Justice Retreat

Towards A Contemplative Practice of Law

A fundraising campaign for CUNY School of Law

For over 20 years, a small community of staff, students, faculty, and alumni have gathered at this annual retreat to sit with the weight of social justice lawyering. Taking a moment to pause and center yourself is vital for all of us, especially for those engaged in the study and practice of social justice law. This year's retreat takes place on March 22-March 24, 2024 and will be held at the Blue Cliff Monastery in Pine Bush, New York.

For those of you who have attended, you know how valuable this 3-day break is to recalibrate and refocus, in the community. We want to share this reflective practice with current students and remove financial obstacles that may be in their way. The generosity of the alumni community has meant that student fees have been fully covered!  We are hoping to do this again for the 2024 Spring Retreat.

Whether you can attend or not, please consider making a contribution to cover student costs:

  • $50 covers one night stay
  • $100 covers the entire cost of the retreat

Your gift can provide so much more than lodging.  It will provide an experience that will inform how they approach their work. 

Thank you!!!

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