Give Ice Time for TGHA on Giving Tuesday!

Celebrate TGHA's anniversary by supporting the $50,000 for 50 Years and the Future Campaign

A fundraising campaign for Tompkins Girls Hockey Association



0 days left to donate!
6 donors

TGHA "Ice Time Giving Challenge"

Tompkins Girls Hockey Association is celebrating our milestone 50th Anniversary season of girls-only hockey.

TGHA needs your support to sustain our significant history and our current efforts to develop strong female athletes and future leaders!

We're asking you to consider donating one hour of ice time to TGHA, equivalent to $250, for our "Ice Time Giving Challenge", part of the "$50,000 for 50 Years and the Future" campaign.

We will use your gifts to cover ice time costs this season, and for future seasons.

Thank you for believing in TGHA!

During the 50th Anniversary celebration event at Cass Park on November 18, 100 enjoyed the ice time and social event on the official birthday of TGHA. One fun way to raise funds was the "Shoot-a-Puck" contest (like a 50/50 raffle) with several whose tickets were drawn trying to shoot into the 5 inch opening. Even the Cub tried, but it was an alumna who was successful.  She won, and so did TGHA when she donated back her half of the ticket money!

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