Covid19 Fund

Help support Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Centers!

A fundraising campaign for Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Centers



0 days left to donate!
39 donors

We need your help!

Update: We will be opening our doors again on June 1st, and we cannot wait to see everyone's smiling faces again. Please help us ensure that we will have enough cleaning supplies to help keep our centers COVID free for the foreseeable future. 

Giraffe Laugh families and teachers are hunkered down as we enter a time of uncertainty due to the recent outbreak of  Covid-19. Every day, more and more people are being impacted by this pandemic and Giraffe Laugh took action to close our centers in conjunction with the nearby school districts to protect the families we serve and our community at large. 

While our centers are closed we are serving our mission in two ways: providing critical services such as food and supplies to parents and teachers, and learning how to teach our children while they are home through web-based social learning time. Think webinars, but for preschoolers! 

Giraffe Laugh needs your support now, more than ever, during these uncertain times. Without student tuition, having to cancel the bowl-a-thon and other fundraising events, we are at risk of not meeting our ongoing financial obligations (salaries, lease payments, utilities, etc.). We need you to help us so we are here when we reopen our doors, hearts, and arms to the children and families we serve.

We ask that you join us today by contributing toward Giraffe Laugh’s efforts to support our community and to continue building strong futures for our children and families. If you'd like to be a part of impacting our youngest learners, please donate here today. 

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