CalSAC's Gratitude Campaign

Celebrating the out-of-school time professionals who empower our youth

Today, we celebrate the out-of-school time professional - those individuals who are working in programs such as before school, afterschool and summer learning.

We see you.

You – laser focused on getting your paperwork done so you’re ready for high fives when the kids arrive tomorrow.

You – cutting out 400 paper triangles for tomorrow’s STEM activity.

You – reflecting on what a young person told you about themselves and considering how you can lift them up.

Each time you show up for young people, it matters.  

It matters for the future of each young person, for the future of our communities and for the
movement we’re building together.

At CalSAC, we’re honored to walk with out-of-school time professionals on this journey.  CalSAC’s greatest power and impact happens when out-of-school time professionals find their voice, unlock their talents and advocate for their programs and the young people in them. 

We’ve set the goal to raise $40,000 by December 14 to advance CalSAC’s commitment towards building an informed, engaged and empowered out-of-school time workforce, and a more equitable future for California’s children and families.

Will you give gratitude to out-of-school time professionals by making a donation to ensure they get the resources, development and support they need?

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